Workshop: Innovation Challenges till 2030 – Empowerment of the Drivers of Change


Workshop-Key-Contributors and Moderators

Jorn Johansen (lead moderaor)
Whitebox, Denmark

BA Laura Aschbacher (lead co-moderaor)
EuroSPI GmbH & ISCN GmbH, Austria

Mag. MBA Bruno Wöran
ISPIM Board Member, Austria

Prof. Tom Peisl
Hochschule Munich, Germany

Joanne Hyland
rInnovation Group,USA

Dr Georg Macher
TU Graz, Austria

Dr Richard Messnarz
ISCN, Austria

Olaolu Segun Odeleye
Deloris Mundo, Nigeria

Babatunde Adedotun Salawu
Deloris Mundo, Nigeria
Innovation Challenges in the 21st Century

Dr Richard Messnarz, Dr Georg Macher were WP leaders in the EU Blueprint project DRIVES, which developed a skills agenda for the future automotive industry. Laura Aschbacher is a reseracher who The project delivered studies about drivers of change, new skills needs, and new developments towards a networked smart car which is connected to other services around. One outcome was that is a need for more innovation in creating new business models that fit with the new expected changes. The concept of an innovation agent skills profile has been created. In the EU project TIMS an innovation assessment method and tool has been developed that will be used by the innovation agents in future.
Dr Richard Messnarz (in cooperation with TU Hannover) and Dr Georg Macher (in various secondments) were supported by the Marie Curie EU Project OPENINNOTRAIN for meeting partners that collaborate on these innovation strategies

Mag. Bruno Wöran together with Dr Messnarz developed in the past an innovation manager training, and they drift now to a new paradigm that instead of having an  innovation manager centrally controlling an innovation database in times of radical innovation we need to empower agents in all teams to unleash the ideas of how to use the new functional options that come up.

Prof. Tom Peisl is a highly recognised researcher at Hochschule München and teaches innovation and business models and has numerous projects with industry in that area as well. He will contribute with recent studies about human centred innovation strategies which are imposed by the innovation agent concept.

Joanne Hyland is the President of the rInnovation Group and former Vice President, New Venture Development at Nortel Networks. She is a strategic innovation expert and consults fortune 1000 companies and contributed her ideas to DRIVES about the future skills of innovation agents.

Laura Aschbacher has a degree in information design from the University of Applied Sciences Joanneum, Graz. She is a member of the EuroSPI innovation agent workshop series program committee and in the DRIVES project created the innovation agent key note and lecturing videos and co-moderates the innovation agent trainer interaction workshops.  She is a researcher in digital innovation and has also a Master degree in communication and interaction design at the University of Applied sciences Joanneum. Currently in a cooperation between TU Graz and ISCN she does an MBA study (in parallel to her job) for digital business innovation. In the EU blueprint project FLAMENCO she is tgether with Dr Messnart and Dr Macher setting up an European innovation agent task force. In the EU project TIMS she is a researcher that developed with the TIMS partners and the ISCN team an ISO 56000 based innovation assessment system and tool that is now used in leading industry.

Olaolu Segun Odeleye and Babatunde Adedotun Salawu from Nigeria are members in the EU project TIMS in which training for the new ISO 56000 Innovation Management System norm is being developed and an ISO 56000 assessment system will be established in Europe and Nigeria. Deloris Mundo acts as an innovation contact point for European organisations in Nigeria.

See the KEY NOTE from Prof Peisl in the EuroSPI Youtube Channel, held at the DRIVES innovation workshop.
  • Study results from EU Blueprint DRIVES
  • The new human centred innovation concepts
  • The human centred innovation agent strategy
  • Papers from innovation research
  • creative workshop about future business functions/options in a connected environment (with automotive networked)

Workshop Program 05.09.2024

Workshop: Innovation Challenges till 2030 – Empowerment of the Drivers of Change
08.00 - 09.00
09.00 - 09.45
Key Note 2: AI in Software Engineering: Promise and Perils, Professor Dr. C. Greiner, Professor Dr. Thomas C. Peisl Hochschule München, Germany
09.45 - 10.30
Key Note 3: Challenges in Automotive, Prof. Dr Bernd Hindel Founder ASQF, Founder Methodpark, Founder of SOQRATES, Germany
10.30 - 11.00
Coffee Break
11.00 - 12.00
Applying Innovation Training in a Real-World Assessment Scheme Beyond (Proven) Track Records
Alexander Niklas, Capgemini Deutschland GmbH, Munich, Germany, Heike Bliedung, Capgemini Deutschland GmbH, Erfurt, Germany, Alexander Salinas Segura, Rosenheim, Germany, Thomas Peisl, Munich University of Applied Science, Germany
Guiding firms in navigating innovation: E-Learning as driver to enhance trust in technology
Alexander Ziegler, Fresenius University of Applied Sciences, Germany, Thomas Peisl, Munich University of Applied Science, Germany, Jennifer Brehm, Master Candidate at TU Munich, Germany
12.00 - 13.30
Lunch Break
14.30 - 15.30
Problems with support for organizations to build their innovation management systems (merged with Emobility strategy WS)
Mikus Zelmenis, KVALB, Latvia
The innovation agent task force in the Automotive Skills Alliance (ASA) and innovation assessment best practices (merged with emobility strategy WS)
Laura Aschbacher, EuroSPI GesmbH, Austria , Jorn Johansen, Whitebox, Denmark, Mikus Zelmenis, KVALB, Latvia, Richard Messnarz, Damjan Ekert, ISCN GmbH, Austria , Jonathan Breitenthaler, EuroSPI GesmbH, Austria
15.30 - 16.00
Coffee Break
16.00 - 18.00
Using the ISO 56000 based Innovation Assessment and Benchmarking System (Presentation)
Laura Aschbacher, EuroSPI GesmbH, Austria , Jorn Johansen, Whitebox, Denmark,
Experiences in performing ISO 56000 based Innovation Assessments (Presentation)
Jorn Johansen, Whitebox, Denmark, Laura Aschbacher, EuroSPI GesmbH, Austria
First experiences from ISO 56000 based innovation assessments - feedback from practice (Presentation)
Olaolu Segun Odeleye, Babatunde Adedotun Salawu, Deloris Mundo, Nigeria
Playing with the assessment and benchmarking tool of the innovation agent task force (game)
Laura Aschbacher, EuroSPI GesmbH, and ISCN GesmbH, Austria
till 19.00
Attendees go by public transport and leave at Gartenstrasse (line 27) or at Scheidplatz (line 12). From there it is 550 m walking through the famous Luitpoltpark.
19.00 - 23.30
19.00 - 19.30 Arrival at the Bamberger House
19.30 - 20.15 Classical Music Event 

Karol Danis and Anton Bashynskyi  are exceptional musicians who play classical music at EuroSPI social events since 2021 and have both won a number of international prizes. See the profile of Karol Danis and of Anton Bashynskyi.

Music Program:
F.M. Bartholdy: Fantasie (Klavier solo)

J.Brahms: Adagio von Violine Sonate dmol

P.I.Tchaikovsky: Souvenir d’un lieu cher, – Mélodie

A.Dvořák: Romantische Stück

J.Massenet: Méditation aus Thais

F.Kreisler: Three Old Viennese Dances

R.Strauss: Morgen

20.30 - 23.30 Gala-Diner at the Bamberger House.


Supported by



Additional Information

Key Contributors

The goal of this workshop community is to deal with new forthcoming innovation strategies for organizations- This includes e.g.


  • ISO 56000
  • Innovation Assessment
  • Innovation methods
  • open innovation
  • open architecture innovation
  • Strategic intelligence
  • New service models
  • Service models for e-mobility
  • Service models for intelligent infrastructures
  • New business models
  • New stakeholder/customer networks/concepts
  • New innovation roadmapping strategies.

Join this workshop and discuss your experiences.

Interactive Workshop Approach

Focus of interest and main questions discussed during the workshop will be:
  • Best practices concerning new innovation norms and methods dealing with new drivers of change
  • Best practices concerning new service and business models needed to develop the future visions
  • etc.
Each presentation will be discussed and there will be an assessment game using the ISO 56000 based assessment system.