
EuroAsiaSPI² on Social Media

Since 2013 social media groups have been formed to exchange news about the event and to follow recent discussions. On YouTube you find interviews, statements, key notes and related topic lectures online. On LinkedIn, XING, and Facebook you find recent news and discussions. And on Twitter you find the news submitted by hashtag #EuroSPI. Please join the network to share the news and discussions.

           EuroSPI on YouTube EuroSPI LinkedIn Group EuroSPI XING Group EuroSPI Facebook Group Twitter Hash Tag #EuroSPI  


EuroAsiaSPI² and Media

EuroAsiaSPI² (EuroSPI and EuroAsiaSPI² are the same community) has established a Europe wide community and conference series since 1994.It created a whole library of experience reports which form a guidance for European industry ti implement improvements and innovation. Some corner milestones are:

More than four hundred thousand chapter downloads in SPRINGER online for the book series by 19.4.2020.

EuroSPI 2004 LNCS 3281 | EuroSPI 2005 LNCS 3792 | EuroSPI 2006 LNCS 4257 | EuroSPI 2007 978-3-540-75381-0 | EuroSPI 2008 978-3-540-85936-9  | EuroSPI 2009 978-3-642-04133-4 | EuroSPI 2010 978-3-642-15666-3 | EuroSPI 2011 978-3-642-22206-1 | EuroSPI 2012 978-3-642-31199-4 | EuroSPI 2013 978-3-642-39179-8 | EuroSPI 2014 978-3-662-43896-1 | EuroSPI 2015 978-3-319-24647-5 | EuroSPI 2016 978-3-319-44817-6 | EuroSPI 2017 978-3-319-64218-5 | EuroSPI 2018 978-3-319-97925-0 | EuroSPI 2019 978-3030280048

International journal publication series with Wiley since 16 years:

Wiley 2020, Wiley 2019, Wiley 2018, Wiley 2016 , Wiley 2015, Wiley 2014, Wiley 2013, Wiley 2012, Wiley 2011, Wiley 2010, Wiley 2009, Wiley 2009 2nd, Wiley 2008, Wiley 2007, Wiley 2006, Wiley 2004

In total a library ca. 800 experience reports rom leading industry and research.

A cooperation in dissemination with European strategic Blueprint programs in the Automotive area.