Conference Programme

The 2025 conference program will be published by end of May 2025. See the structure below!

EuroSPI² 2025 (17 - 19 September 2025) has 9 international thematic workshop streams supported by thematic topic communities. Each thematic stream integrates both, research sessions and industry / applied science sessions. The thematic streams are a mix of talks provoking discussions, full presentations and panel discussions which focus on specific questions of interest. In addition there is a half day about new research and industry project and funding proposal ideas. Some streams run longer than one day depending on the size of the community and contributions.

Each thematic workshop covers specific thematic topics and mixes research and industry presentations/discussions on that specific topic.

Associated Technology Day - Pre-Conference Event (8 September 2025)

The associated technology day is a half day online event on 8 September 2025, with key note speakers presenting most recent developments. It can be attended free of cost. A link to the online conference will be published and the access to the presentations and discussions will be free. There are key note presentations and content based webinar sessions. Key note sessions are from leading industry or experts, and webinar sessions are presenting first and then using tools to which attendees can access in a gamified scenario. This pre-conference event on 15 September 2025 is free of cost.

See the technology day page.

The EuroSPI 2025 Program (Joint EuroSPI and ICSSP 2025 event)

The conference has 5 parallel streams. In 2025 the ISSPA joins forces and the ICSSP conference will form a 5th stream of the EuroSPI conferebce. Attendees register for the whole event and can attend EuroSPI as well as the ICSSP stream. Each stream contains a mix of research and industry/applied science papers/presentations. Also each stream contains a mix of pitch talks (show key message and discuss) and full presentations. Also there will be one special session for discussing new funding proposals and finding partners for ideas. The future conference strategy of EuroSPI² is to gather core topics and build communities around the core thematic topics. Leading industry and research lead the thematic topic streams.

Also EuroSPI² continuously builds the SPI strategy and understanding in Europe and the world and continues to promote and develop the SPI Manifesto.

Attendees can book single days, any combination of 2 days, or all 3 days.

You can access the <Room Plan - will be pblished>  of the Riga Technical University campus. You can download the <EuroSPI 2025 sessions and workshop assignment of rooms>.


08.00 - 08.40
08.40 - 09.15
Room: Plenary
Opening by Riga Technical University
EuroSPI Chair, Dr Richard Messnarz, 
Stan Stutton, President of the ISSPA, USAICSSP 2025
Automotive Skills Alliance, Dr Jakub Stolfa, ASA Director,
iNTACS, Bernhard Sechser, Advisory Board Member,
Samer Sameh, EuroSPI Chair for ASA Cooperation
10.30 - 11.00
Room: Catering Area and Exhibition Space
Coffee Break
12.00 - 13.30
Room: Catering Area Exhibition Space
Lunch Break
15.30 - 15.45
Room: Catering Area and Exhibition Space
Coffee Break
15.45 - 17.15
Room: Plenary
Key Note 1: Key Note 1 - to be announced
To Be Done - DRAFT - Walking or taking tram to the event location

18.30 - 22.00
Riga is famous for barbecues and old restaurants like the Rozengrals
To Be Done - the exat social event location will be defined and selected till latest arch 2025

Have a nice typical Riga food in a typical Riga atmosphere!

08.00 - 09.00
09.00 - 09.45
Room: R1.046
Key Note 2: Key Note 2 - to be announced, Name and afiliation
09.45 - 10.30
Room: Plenary
Key Note 3: Key Note 3 - to be announced, Name and afiliatioy
10.30 - 11.00
Room: Catering Area and Exhibition Space
Coffee Break
12.00 - 13.30
Room: Catering Area and Exhibition Space
Lunch Break
13.30 - 14.15
14.30 - 15.30
Innovation - New Business Models
joined session with E-Mobility
E-Mobility-Digitilisation-EU Blueprints
joined session with Innovation - Innovation Agent Task Force in ASA
15.30 - 16.00
Room: Catering Area and Exhibition Space
Coffee Break
till 19.00
To Be Done - DRAFT - attendees walk (or take tram) to the Riga Latvian Society House
19.00 - 19.30 Arrival at the Golden Hall
19.30 - 20.15 Classical Music Event in the Golden Hall, in the Riga Latvian Society House

Karol Danis and Anton Bashynskyi  are exceptional musicians who play classical music at EuroSPI social events since 2021 and have both won a number of international prizes. See the profile of Karol Danis and of Anton Bashynskyi.

20.30 - 23.30 Buffet at the Golden Hall

08.00 - 09.00
09.00 - 09.45
Room: R1.046
Key Note 5: Cybersecurity Analysis in case of Machne Learning Architectures , Dr Thomas Liedtke Magility, Dr Richard Messnarz, ISCN, Dr Andreas Riel, ISCN Group, and Grenoble INP
09.45 - 10.30
Room: Plenary
Key Note 6: Key Note 6 - to be announced
10.30 - 11.00
Room: Catering Area and Exhibition Space
Coffee Break
11.00 - 12.00
free workshop space for new topics upcoming in discussions
free workshop space for new topics upcoming in discussions
free workshop space for new topics upcoming in discussions
12.00 - 13.00
Room: Catering Area and Exhibition Space
Shorter Lunch Break
14.00 - 14.30
Rory O Connor Paper Award and Best Paper Award together with USA partnership.