Online Technology Day



Advanced Assessment and Improvement Methods and Tools

The Tech Day is a pre-event to the EuroSPI² 2024 Conference showcasing new state of the art technology in the field of assessments, benchmarking data and future learning infrastructures. The technology days allow EuroSPI supporting partner organizations to manage their own events in association with EuroSPI and at a date where it is possible for technology day participants to also register and come for EuroSPI. There are key note presentations and content based webinar sessions. Key note sessions are from leading industry or experts, and webinar sessions are presenting and refer to tools for which ISCN can provide test accounts or services.

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Free Participation - 2 September 2024

ISCN invites for a free online event. In case of interest send This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Note: The EuroSPI Conference will take place 4 - 6 September 2024 onsite and online, the tech day as a pre-event on 2 September 2024 will be online only.


Program 2024


08.50 - 09.00
Logging in to the event and welcome

09.00 - 09.20
The innovation agent task force in ASA and ISO 56000 based innovation assessments
Laura Aschbacher, EuroSPI Gmbh, Austria, Dr Richard Messnarz, ISCN GmbH, Damjan Ekert, ISCN Gmbh, Austria
09.20 - 09.40
Experiences with first ISO 56000 innovation management system assessments
Jorn Johansen, Whitebox, Denmark, Laura Aschbacher, ISCN & EuroSPI GmbH, Austria
09.40 - 10.00
EU Blueprint Project Trireme - Re- and Up-skilling European Automotive and Energy Sector for Green Mobility Strategy
Dr Jakub Stolfa, President of ASA, Belgium, Marek Spayik, Svatopluk Stolfa, VSB TU Ostrava, Czech Republic
10.00 - 10.15
10.15 - 10.35
Integrating Functional Safety Asssessment and Audit with ASPICE - FUSE and Capability Adviser Integrated
Gerhard Griessnig, AVL, Austria, Dr Richard Messnarz, Damjan Ekert, Tobias Danmayr, Jonathan Breitenthaler, Laura Aschbacher, ISCN GmbH, Austria
10.35 - 11.05
Capability Adviser - The Number One Assessment Tool and New Features
Tobias Danmayr (new features), Laura Aschbacher (usability design and new models like ISO 56000), Jonathan Breitenthaler (new features), Damjan Ekert (release strategy), Dr Richard Messnarz, ISCN GesmbH, and EuroSPI Gmbh (the vision of a virtual user community in the EuroSPI eco-system)
11.05 - 11.25
ASPICE 4.0 versus 3.1 - an analysis by the SOQRATES working group
Damjan Ekert, ISCN GesmbH, and SOQRATES Group
11.25 - 11.45
Experience with Capability Adviser - User Statements Invited
inviting the Capability Adviser users like BOSCH, HELLA/FORVIA, MAGNA, ZF Friedrichshafen AG, Marquardt, TTTECH, Hofer Powertrain, Tasking etc. for short statements
11.45 - 12.05
Experiences with ASIL C/D architectures for non-deterministic systems (e.g. machine learning)
Dr Andreas Riel, Grenoble INPG, France and ISCN Group, Austria, Dr Georg Macher, TU Graz & ISCN Group, Austrioa, Dr Richard Messnarz, ISCN & EuroSPI GmbH, Austria
12.05 - 12.25
Updates on Automotive SPICE for Cybersecurity
Thomas Liedtke, Magility,Germany and Dr Richard Messnarz, ISCN and EuroSPI GmbH, Austria
12.25 - 12.45
Experiences with CSMS Audit preparation using the Capability Adviser supported CSMS process assessment model
Bernhardt Steger, ISCN Group, Austria
12.45 - 13.00
Summary, Discussions, and Closing
join the EuroSPI eco system of conference, academy, certificates and tools.

J.UCS (Journal of Uiversal Computer Science) Issue in Cooperation with EuroAsiaSPI² - Recent Advances in Cybersecurity and Safety Architectures in Automotive, IT, and Connected Services:

We published a special issue in a Q2 rated J.UCS journal, see Scimago rating for computer science section of the journal.

This is an open access journal and you can access the articles from here.

Presentations from 2023 (impressions of the TechDay):

Presentations from 2022 (impressions of the TechDay):


Presentations from 2021:

Presentations from 2020: