
EuroAsiaSPI² Cooperating Publishers

EuroAsiaSPI² cooperates with  SPRINGER who publishes a book series with EuroSPI since 2003 and there were more than 1.49 million (one million four hundred and ninety thousand) downloads chapter downloads since 2003 so far, and the SPRINGER books had more than 750 pages each since 2017. The goal is to continue to grow the book to the biggest SPI compendium for Europe.

We achieved the growth by creating thematic topics managed by workshop communities and where each thematic topic gets an own chapter in the book.

EuroAsiaSPI² cooperates with WILEY who publishes top selected articles in an annual volume in the Wiley Journal of SW Evolution and Process Series.

In 2021 EuroAsiaSPI² selected some top articles about new software paradigms for security and safety for the J.UCS, the Journal for Universal Computer Science, historically the first online journal in the world.



EuroAsiaSPI² SPRINGER Book Series

SPRINGER publishes a book series with EuroSPI since 2003 and there were more than 1.2 million (one million two hundred thousand) downloads for all books since 2004 so far. The latest SPRINGER book

Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement - CCIS 2179, EuroSPI 2024, Part I:
and Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement - CCIS 2180, EuroSPI 2024, Part II:
31st European Conference, EuroSPI 2024, HS Munich, Germany, 4th - 6th September, 2024, Proceedings is available.

EuroSPI 2004 LNCS 3281 | EuroSPI 2005 LNCS 3792 | EuroSPI 2006 LNCS 4257 | EuroSPI 2007 978-3-540-75381-0 | EuroSPI 2008 978-3-540-85936-9  | EuroSPI 2009 978-3-642-04133-4 | EuroSPI 2010 978-3-642-15666-3 | EuroSPI 2011 978-3-642-22206-1 | EuroSPI 2012 978-3-642-31199-4 | EuroSPI 2013 978-3-642-39179-8 | EuroSPI 2014 978-3-662-43896-1 | EuroSPI 2015 978-3-319-24647-5 | EuroSPI 2016 978-3-319-44817-6 | EuroSPI 2017 978-3-319-64218-5 | EuroSPI 2018 978-3-319-97925-0 | EuroSPI 2019 978-3030280048 | EuroSPI 2020 978-3-030-56441-4 | EuroSPI 2021 978-3-030-85521-5| EuroSPI 2022 978-3-031-15559-85 | EuroSPI 2023 Volume 1 and Volume 2 10.1007/978-3-031-42307-9

EuroAsiaSPI² Wiley Journal Series

WILEY publishes an annual EuroSPI volume with 10 selected experience papers in the Wiley Journal of SW Evolution and Process Series. For the 20th anniversary, in 2013, Wiley has created an entry page for EuroSPI as a library.

August 2023 Volume 35 Issue 81, Nov 2020 Volume32 Issue11,Wiley 2020, Wiley 2019, Wiley 2018, Wiley 2016 , Wiley 2015, Wiley 2014, Wiley 2013, Wiley 2012, Wiley 2011, Wiley 2010, Wiley 2009, Wiley 2009 2nd, Wiley 2008, Wiley 2007, Wiley 2006, Wiley 2004

J.UCS (Journal of Uiversal Computer Science) Issue in Cooperation with EuroAsiaSPI² - Recent Advances in Cybersecurity and Safety Architectures in Automotive, IT, and Connected Services

We published a special issue in a Q2 rated J.UCS journal, see Scimago rating for computer science section of the journal.

This is an open access journal and you can access the articles from here.

NID - EuroSPI Net Interactive Document Service

Together with IICM of TU Graz we estabished a net interactive document server with the abstracts and the presentations.

How to use NID you find here.

IET Software Journal Call for Papers in Cooperation with EuroAsiaSPI²

IET Software publishes a special issue in 2021 with the focus on new emerging SW paradigms in cooperation with us.

EuroAsiaSPI² and American Society of Quality Cooperation

ASQ published in 2015 and 2016 a volume in the ASQ SQP (Software Quality Professional) magazine.

Volume 17, Issue 3, June 2015

Volume 18, Issue 4, September 2016


EuroAsiaSPI² and IEEE

IEEE Computer Society Press supported a book "Better Software Practice for Business Benefit" in 1997 which summarised the collected best practices of above 30 experts in Europe and USA using EuroSPI 1994 - 1997 contributions as a basis.

See IEEE book.


Additional EuroSPI Technical Books Downloadable for Free (with ISBN Number)

EuroSPI 2018, 5-7 September 2018, Bilbao, Spain, SPRINGER and WILEY book (see above)

EuroSPI 2017, 6-8 September 2017, Ostrava, Czech Republic, Proceedings 2017 Download (EuroSPI, ISBN 978-3-9504505-0-7)

EuroSPI 2016, 14-16 September 2016, Graz, Austria, Proceedings 2016 Download (Whitebox, ISBN 978-87-9981-1663)

EuroSPI 2015, 30 Sept.-2.October 2015, Ankara, Turkey, Proceedings 2015 Download (Whitebox, ISBN 978-87-9981-1656)

EuroSPI 2014, 25-27 June 2013 2014, Luxembourg, Proceedings 2014 Download (Delta Improvement Series, ISBN 978-87-7398-1573)

EuroSPI 2013, 25-27 June 2013, Dundalk, Ireland, Proceedings 2013 Download (Delta Improvement Series, ISBN 978-87-7398-154-2)

EuroSPI 2012, 27-29 June 2012, Vienna, Austria, Proceedings 2012 Download (Delta Improvement Series, ISBN 978-87-7398-154-2)

EuroSPI 2011, 27-29 June 2011, Roskilde, Denmark, Proceedings 2011 Download (Delta Improvement Series, ISBN 978-87-7398-153-5)

EuroSPI 2010, 1-3 September 2010, Grenoble, France, Proceedings 2010 Download (Delta Improvement Series, ISBN 978-87-7398-152-8)

EuroSPI 2009, 2-4 September 2009, Alcala de Hernares, Spain, Proceedings 2009 Download (Delta Improvement Series, ISBN 978-87-7398-151-1)

EuroSPI 2008, 3-5 September 2008, Dublin, Ireland, Proceedings 2008 Download (Delta Improvement Series, ISBN 978-87-7398-150-4)

EuroSPI 2007, 26-28 September 2007, Potsdam, Germany, Proceedings 2007 Download (ISQI, ISBN 978-3-9809145-6-7)

EuroSPI 2006, 11-13 October 2006, Joensuu, Finland, Proceedings 2006 Download (Univ. of Joensuu, ISBN 952-458-864-1, ISSN 1457-9448)

EuroSPI 2005, 9-11 November 2005, Budapest, Hungary, Proceedings 2005 Download (John von Neumann Computer Society, ISBN 963 8431 94 6)

EuroSPI 2004, 10-12 November 2004, Trondheim, Norway, Proceedings 2004 Download (NTNU, TECHNICAL REPORT 07/04, ISSN-NO: 1503-416X, )

EuroSPI 2003, 10-12 December 2003, Graz, Austria, Proceedings 2003 Download (TU Graz, ISBN 3-901351-84-1)

EuroSPI 2002, 18-20 September 2002, Nuremberg, Germany, Proceedings 2002 Download (ISQI, ISBN 3-00-010074-1)

EuroSPI 2001, 10-12 October 2001, Limerick, Ireland, Proceedings 2001 Download (Univ. of Limerick,  ISBN 0-9541582-0-2)

EuroSPI 2000, 7-9 November 2000, Copenhagen, Denmark, Proceedings 2000 Download (Copenhagen Business School, ISBN 952-9607-29-6)

EuroSPI 1999, 25-27 Octobeer 1999, Pori, Finland, Proceedings 1999 Download (Pori School of Technology,  ISBN 952-9607-29-26, ISSN 1455-9676)

EuroSPI 1998, 16-18 November 1998, Gothenburg, Sweden, Proceedings 1998 Download

EuroSPI 1997, 10-12 November 1997, Budapest, Hungary, Proceedings 1997 Download.

EuroSPI 1996, 3-5 December 1996, Brighton, UK, Proceedings 1996 Download.

EuroSPI 1995, 11-12 September 1995, Vienna, Austria, Proceedings 1995 Parts 1 and 2 Download.

EuroSPI 1994, 4-5 May 1994, Dublin, Ireland, Proceedings 1994 Download.