Registration and Pricing

EuroSPI² will take place on 17 - 19 September 2025, the conference will offer both, an onsite and online participation option. Online participation is only 65% of the onsite price. It is still 65% since the online technology and servers need to be set up, the book is produced and the web portals will provide access to materials. In the registration process first you make all selections with a displayed onsite price, at the end you select the onsite option and the software will then display 65% reduced price. Note: The analysis of the last years outlined that 70% participated online and the originally estimated 50% reduced online participation fee is not sufficient to cover the conference cost, therefore it is increased to 65% since 2021. The 2025 program will be made online by end of May 2025. Open the conference program here...

Early registration is available until 09 August 2025.


Registration and Payment

You can book single days or a combination of single days, or all days and you can chose to attend online or onsite. The new registration software directly interfaces the credit card systems and Paypal.  Payment goes directly with Paypal, Mastercard etc.

This conference is a networking event and (onsite and online) interaction of industry and research is supported. Thus we expect speakers to at least participate in 2 of the 3 days, it is not planned that a speaker just appears for his talk and does not participate the rest of the time.

What is included?

Day 1 - 17.09.2025

Day 1 has 5 international themes/streams running in parallel. The registration software will ask you for a preferred workshop/stream but you are still allowed to change between the workshops.

  • The day 1 onsite ticket includes proceedings, coffee breaks, lunch, and social event in the evening.

  • The day 1 online ticket includes online access to the conference sessions, access to a learning portal with access to presentations and papers. An access key and links will be sent before the event starts.


Day 2 - 18.09.2025

Day 2 has 5 international themes/streams running in parallel. The registration software will ask you for a preferred workshop/stream but you are still allowed to change between the workshops.

  • The day 2 onsite ticket includes proceedings, coffee breaks, lunch, and social event in the evening.

  • The day 2 online ticket includes online access to the conference sessions, access to a learning portal with access to presentations and papers. An access key and links will be sent before the event starts.


Day 3 - 19.09.2025

Day 3 has 3 international themes/streams running in parallel. The registration software will ask you for a preferred workshop/stream but you are still allowed to change between the workshops.

  • The day 3 onsite ticket includes proceedings, coffee breaks, lunch, and social event in the evening.

  • The day 3 online ticket includes online access to the conference sessions, access to a learning portal with access to presentations and papers. An access key and links will be sent before the event starts.


EuroSPI² 2025 Special Booking Conditions for Companies and Groups (if you are three one is for free)

  • The PhD fee is 450 Euro for 3 days (150 Euro per day). A further reduction is not possible, so that any of the further rules do not apply on reduced but full fees.
  • If an organisation is sending a group of full paying attendees (no PhD fee counts) then every third attendee is free. e.g. 9 full paying attendees from the same organisation pay 6 full tickets. The procedure in such a package situation is as follows:
    • In 2022 ISCN GesmbH founded EuroSPI GesmbH to manage the EurosPI academy and certificates and is a major shareholder with partners of EuroSPI GesmbH. To allow a smooth transition for the EuroSPI conference both companies are available for the registration services depending if you have been previous ISCN customer already or not.
    • Ask for an offer for a package from EuroSPI GesmbH or ISCN GesmbH and list the attendee names (Email to laura.aschbacher(at), rmess(at)
    • EuroSPI GesmbH or ISCN GesmbH will send you an invoice for the package with an invoice number.
    • The registrations with credit card payments will run through the ISCN GesmbH account and will be invoiced by ISCN GesmbH.
    • The registrations from customers who have registered ISCN GesmbH as a supplier can still use this supplier account. If they want they can also create a supplier account with EuroSPI GesmbH.
    • New customers ask for an offer from EuroSPI GesmbH, and EuroSPI GesmbH will send you an invoice for the package with an invoice number.
    • Customers who have ISCN already as a registered supplier ask ISCN for an offer, and ISCN GesmbH will send you an invoice for the package with an invoice number.
    • You register all people and select the bank transfer option in the registration software.
    • After receipt of the invoice from EuroSPI GesmbH you transfer the amount to the EuroSPI GesmbH bank account if the invoice was sent by EuroSPI GesmbH:
      • Account holder: EuroSPI Certificates and Services GesmbH, Bank name: Steiermärkische Sparkasse, Bank address: Hauptplatz 1, 8010 Graz, Austria, IBAN: AT812081500044005056, Account Number: 000440050560, BIC/SWIFT Code: STSPAT2G, Sort Code: 20815.
    • After receipt of the invoice from ISCN GesmbH  you transfer the amount to the ISCN GesmbH bank account if the invoice was sent by ISCN GesmbH:
      • Account holder: ISCN GesmbH, Bank name: Steiermärkische Sparkasse, Bank address: Hauptplatz 1, 8010 Graz, Austria, IBAN: AT812081500040794240, Account Number: 00040704240, BIC/SWIFT Code: STSPAT2G, Sort Code: 20815.
  • If you register as a single person please use the above online registration software.
  • Online participation is 65% reduced. Note: The analysis in 2020 outlined that 70% participated online and the originally estimated 50% reduced online participation fee is not sufficient to cover the conference cost, therefore it is increased to 65% since 2021.


Registration Guidelines

  • The registration will allow you to book one day, two days or all 3 days. Any combination is possible, e.g. you can select day 1 and day 3 and do sight seeing on day 2, or you select 2 days and select day 1 and day 2 and not day 3, etc. The price depends on the number of days selected.
  • Once you selected the days the system allows you to select the preferred streams of the day. Still the conference is flexible and allows you to change between the streams as you like.
  • In 2022 ISCN GesmbH founded EuroSPI GesmbH to manage the EurosPI academy and certificates and is a major shareholder with partners of EuroSPI GesmbH. To allow a smooth transition for the EuroSPI conference both companies are available for the registration services depending if you have been previous ISCN customer already or not.
  • The registrations with credit card payments will run through the ISCN GesmbH account and will be invoiced by ISCN GesmbH.
  • The registrations from customers who have registered ISCN GesmbH as a supplier can still use this supplier account. If they want they can also create a supplier account with EuroSPI GesmbH.
  • New customers ask for an offer from EuroSPI GesmbH, and EuroSPI GesmbH will send you an invoice for the package with an invoice number.
  • In case you chose payment by bank transfer in the registration software please transfer the amount to the EuroSPI GesmbH bank account and the invoice will come from EuroSPI GesmbH.
    • Account holder: EuroSPI Certificates and Services GesmbH, Bank name: Steiermärkische Sparkasse, Bank address: Hauptplatz 1, 8010 Graz, Austria, IBAN: AT812081500044005056, Account Number: 000440050560, BIC/SWIFT Code: STSPAT2G, Sort Code: 20815.
  • In case you chose payment by credit card in the registration software the transfer will go to the ISCN GesmbH bank account and the invoice will come from ISCN:
    • Account holder: ISCN GesmbH, Bank name: Steiermärkische Sparkasse, Bank address: Hauptplatz 1, 8010 Graz, Austria, IBAN: AT812081500040794240, Account Number: 00040704240, BIC/SWIFT Code: STSPAT2G, Sort Code: 20815.
  • The registration software has a direct online connection with Mastercard, VISA Card and Paypal. This will allow easy accounting and an easy to use payment process for the attendees.
  • In case of questions related with registration please note that ISCN GesmbH, Austria, took over all work and rights from ISCN LTD, Ireland, you can call Dr Richard Messnarz at +43 664 210 6416, or send an email with questions to rmess(at)
  • From 2020 onwards you can select online or onsite participation. In case of online you will be send links to conference sessions and keys to access learning portals before the event starts. Online participation price is 50%. Onsite participation includes all social events and allows personal networking at the site.


Cancellation Rules

  • A cancellation is not possible the attendee can determine a substitute to attend. It is also possible to shift the registration to the follow up year.


EuroSPI² 2024 participation is an acknowledged evidence for INTACS !

Did you know that participation is rated a an Intacs EE4 (passive participation) or Intacs EE5 (active participation)? See the INTACS definition for further particulars.