Andreas Riel
Prof. at the Grenoble Institute of Technology, France
Susumu Sasabe
JUSE, Japan
Michael Reiner
Prof. at the IMC FH Krems, Austria
The world is changing from having different separate products and production processes to an integrated IOT world with fully networked, automated, connected and AI supported processes. When you drive a car, maybe in 15 years from now you use the mobile and connect the IT infrastructure to everything in the life. How will such a world look like, How will a life cycle management in this future work?
Dr Andreas Riel is a Prof. at Grenoble INP and did his Habilitation in Innovation Management. He has 10 years experience with AVL in Austria, and works in leading industry projects with ISCN as a senior consultant since 15 years. He is and has been safety and security coach to leading automotive industry projects at supplier but also at OEM level. He is a program committee member at CIRP (world leading manufacturing engineering conference series) and member of the book editing team and program committee member of EuroSPI since many years. He is involved in leading research projects at Grenoble INP about life cycle engineering and manufacturing.
Supported by the Marie Curie EU project OPENINNOTRAIN (secondment Dr Messnarz in cooperation with TU Hamburg) the topic of frugal innovation has been integrated with a discussion from 2024 onwards. The topic of TUHH about frugal innovation where car makers can operate and develop at lower cost by still keeping a high level of quality and safety is important for the sustainability of European production and design processes.
Call for Papers
Please follow the following steps for submitting a paper:
- Your thematic topic paper should comprise 10-12 pages.
- Your paper has to be conform to the Springer CCIS format which is the same as the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) format (please see the author guidelines of Springer)
- The paper has to be uploaded to the EuroAsiaSPI² conference website (see below).
- Authors of accepted papers will be asked to write a final paper of 10 to maximum 12 pages and to prepare a 20 minutes PowerPoint presentation.
- The final paper has to be uploaded to the EuroAsiaSPI² conference website again.
- Papers shall reference the SPI Manifesto (find relationships to values and principles or propose new values and principles to be added).
Note: To publish the paper in the proceedings the authors have to sign a copyright form and at least one of the authors has to present the paper at the conference. The paper will be published in printed form and electronically and therefore we need all source files.
Please read first the author submission guide. More...
Also see "Thematic Paper Submission for one of the 10 workshop communities" for more information
Thematic Topics
This workshop focuses on sustainable services, sustainable products, sustainable environments, future and sustainable eco-systems, new concepts that will empower sustainability.Submission Dates
11.04.2025 First Thematic Paper Submission09.05.2025 Review by International Programme Committee and Notification of Acceptance
20.06.2025 Camera Ready Version of Paper for Book
09.08.2025 Early Registration Deadline (All presenters must register, otherwise the contribution is deselected)
05.09.2025 Upload of Powerpoint Conference Presentation
15.09.2025 Free Technology Day
17.09.-19.09.2025 Conference
SPRINGER Book Series
EuroAsiaSPI² is publishing an annual SPRINGER book and the EuroSPI books show a total of 1,4 million chapter downloads. The workshop papers will form a chapter for this thematic topic in the SPRINGER book.
Important Information
Key Contributors
Openinnotrain as a Marie Curie EU project sponsors secondments of experts (travel cost) to work together. The integration of frugal innovation in cooperation with TU Hamburg in the workshop has been elaborated in an Openinnotrain secondment.
Interactive Workshop Approach
Each presentation will be discussed. A discussion and brainstorming at the end shall come up with a set of key questions to be addressed by EuroSPI in this topic in the future.