Alexander Much, Elektrobit, Germany
Miklos Biro, SCCH, Austria
Richard Messnarz, ISCN GmbH, Austria
Implementing Functional Safety and Cybersecurity of electronic systems requires a broad spectrum of skills for a thorough understanding of domain specific standards and technological advances, engineering of complex functions and countermeasures against unintended behavior both due failures and security attacks with balanced architecture decisions, usage and misuse profiles. Automotive and Medical domain scenarios will be presented and discussed. Also contributions and discussions will be included concerning “How much agile is possible in safe and cyber secure systems and software development?”.
Call for Papers
Please follow the following steps for submitting a paper:
- Your thematic topic paper should comprise 10-12 pages.
- Your paper has to be conform to the Springer CCIS format which is the same as the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) format (please see the author guidelines of Springer)
- The paper has to be uploaded to the EuroAsiaSPI² conference website (see below).
- Authors of accepted papers will be asked to write a final paper of 10 to maximum 12 pages and to prepare a 20 minutes PowerPoint presentation.
- The final paper has to be uploaded to the EuroAsiaSPI² conference website again.
- Papers shall reference the SPI Manifesto (find relationships to values and principles or propose new values and principles to be added).
Note: To publish the paper in the proceedings the authors have to sign a copyright form and at least one of the authors has to present the paper at the conference. The paper will be published in printed form and electronically and therefore we need all source files.
Please read first the author submission guide. More...
Also see "Thematic Paper Submission for one of the 10 workshop communities" for more information
Thematic Paper Topics
- ISO 26262 Experiences
- IEC 61508 Experiences
- Safety Assessments and Automotive SPICE assessments Integrated
- New Norm Parts published in 2018
- Design Patterns for Functional Safety
- SOTIF - Safety of the Intended Functionality
- SAE J3061
- ISO 27000 Cybersecurity Norms
- Experiences with Cybersecurity Norms
- Specific Experiences with Attack Trees
- Cybersecurity Concepts
- New System and Software Architectures and Networks
- How to create Systems adressing both Functionl Safety and Cybersecurity
Submission Dates
11.04.2025 First Thematic Paper Submission09.05.2025 Review by International Programme Committee and Notification of Acceptance
20.06.2025 Camera Ready Version of Paper for Book
09.08.2025 Early Registration Deadline (All presenters must register, otherwise the contribution is deselected)
05.09.2025 Upload of Powerpoint Conference Presentation
15.09.2025 Free Technology Day
17.09.-19.09.2025 Conference
SPRINGER Book Series
EuroAsiaSPI² is publishing an annual SPRINGER book and the EuroSPI books show a total of 1,4 million chapter downloads. The workshop papers will form a chapter for this thematic topic in the SPRINGER book.
Additional Information
Key Contributors
Key contributions will come from European initiatives which developed best practices for traceability. However, the workshop is open to include experts who are willing to share their best practices with the community.
We invite experts to share their experiences with the EuroSPI community:
• Good practices / experiences
• Bad practices / experiences
• Implementation case studies
• Cybersecurity audits and assessments
• Safety Audits and Assessments
Interactive Workshop Approach
Focus of interest and main questions discussed during the workshop will be:- Integrating a system design which covers all these norms? Examples and best practices.
- Integrating assessment models where in one assessment all norms can be covered (in areas where there is an overlapping and synergy effect).
- Can we implement agile in safety and security and if so, what are the best practices and/or limits?
- What are best practices in medical device industry and what are learning effects for Automotive? What are joined embedded system problems to be solved?
- What are best practices in Automotive industry and what are learning effects for the medical device industry? What are joined embedded system problems to be solved?