ICSSP Stream at EuroSPI



Ita Richardson, General Chair 2024
Lero and University of Limerick, Ireland, Ireland

Paul Clarke, Steering Committee Chair
Lero and Dublin City University, Ireland, Ireland

John Noll, Program Chair
University of Hertfordshire, UK

Jil Klünder, Program Chair
Leibniz University Hannover, Germany

Stan Sutton, Program Chair
IBM Research (retired), USA
International Conference on Software and Systems Processes (ICSSP 2024)

The theme of ICSSP 2024 is Process for Sustainable Development. This includes applications of software and systems engineering to the goals for sustainable development identified by the United Nations, including problems of
Poverty, hunger, and health
Clean energy, clean water, and sanitation
Equality, justice, peace
Climate action
Sustainable consumption, production, innovation, and infrastructure
It also includes issues of sustainable software and systems engineering.

ICSSP Program 04.09.2024

International Conference on Software and Systems Processes (ICSSP 2024) 4.9.2024
08.40 - 09.15
Opening by Hochschule München
EuroSPI Chair, Dr Richard Messnarz
Stan Stutton, President of the ISSPA, USA, and Prof. Ita Richardson of UL and Lero, Ireland, General Chair of ICSSP 2024
Automotive Skills Alliance, Dr Jakub Stolfa, ASA Director
iNTACS, Bernhard Sechser, Advisory Board Member
Samer Sameh, EuroSPI Chair for ASA Cooperation
09.30 - 10.30
Welcome to ICSSP 2024
Jil Klünder and John Noll, Program Co-chairs
Breaking old Habits: On Success Factors in Software Process Improvement 
Kseniia Vasylieva, Steffen Küpper and Marco Kuhrmann
10.30 - 11.00
Coffee Break
11.00 - 12.00
Maintaining Security Consistency During System Development with Security-Oriented Model Federation
Chahrazed Boudjemila, Fabien Dagnat and Salvador Martínez
Supporting Engineering Process Compliance via Generation of Detailed Guidance Actions
Anmol Bilal, Christoph Mayr-Dorn and Alexander Egyed
12.00 - 13.30
Lunch Break
13.30 - 14.30
Keynote Presentation: Process Quality and Product Quality—Is There Still a Difference and Should We Even Care? Chair: Jil Klünder
Florian Deissenböck, Software Quality Expert and Founder CQSE GmbH, Munich
14.30 - 15.30
Interaction Prediction and Anomaly Detection in a Microservices-based Telecommunication Platform
Kemal Aktas and H. Hakan Kilinc
Capability Modeling for Corporate Cognition
Stanley Sutton Jr.
15.30 - 15.45
Coffee Break
15.45 - 17.15
Key Note 1: LLM and GenAI based SE processes, International Panel led by Anita Carlton, SW Engineering Director SEI, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Panel Chair: Anita Carleton, Carnegie Mellon University, Software Engineering Institute Executive Software Solutions Director, IEEE Fellow

Panelists are:

Professor Lionel Briand, Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Software, Director
Dr. Ipek Ozkaya, Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute Engineering Intelligent Software Systems Technical Director
Dr. Alexander Poth, Volkswagen AG, IT Quality Manager
John Robert, Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute Software Solutions Deputy Director
Roland Weiss, Head of R&D and Technology, ABB
17.30 - 18.30
Buses will bring the attendees to the Rosenheimer Herbstfest
Note: To reach the beer festival and not lose the places we must leave at 17.30 with the busses (sorry for that short time, but later reservations are not possible because the festival is so well known that other people/groups/tourists will compete/pay/invest for the places onsite). The buses are directly in front of the building. You can either store your bags at the conference location (locked till next morning), or you can take them to the bus and you will have the same bus on the journey back.

Have a nice typical Bavarian festival, if possible in Lederhosen!

18.30 - 22.00
Traditional Bavarian Food, Beer and Music
Address: Herbststraße 2, 83022 Rosenheim, Germany

Workshop Program 05.09.2024

International Conference on Software and Systems Processes (ICSSP 2024) 4.9.2024
08.00 - 09.00
09.00 - 09.45
Key Note 2: AI in Software Engineering: Promise and Perils, Professor Dr. C. Greiner, Professor Dr. Thomas C. Peisl Hochschule München, Germany
09.45 - 10.30
Key Note 3: Challenges in Automotive, Prof. Dr Bernd Hindel Founder ASQF, Founder Methodpark, Founder of SOQRATES, Germany
10.30 - 11.00
Coffee Break
11.00 - 12.00
Insights on Implementing a Metrics Baseline for Post-Deployment AI Container Monitoring
Hasan Yasar, Jose Morales and Luiz Antunes Antunes
Fully Automated DORA Metrics Measurement for Continuous Improvement
Janick Rüegger, Martin Kropp, Sebastian Graf and Craig Anslow
12.00 - 13.30
Lunch Break
13.30 - 14.30
Keynote Presentation: Hybrid Work in Agile Software Engineering: Challenges and Solutions
Maria Paasivaara, Professor, Software Engineering, School of Engineering Science, LUT University, Finland
14.30 - 15.30
Software Process as a Service: Towards A Software Process Ecosystem
Oliver Greulich, Christoph Knieke, Bassel Rafie, Andreas Rausch and Marco Kuhrmann
An Experience Report on Modeling Software Process in Industrial Context: Challenges and Solutions
Yue Li, He Zhang, Liming Dong, Bohan Liu and Lanxin Yang
15.30 - 16.00
Coffee Break
16.00 - 17.30
Panel: Applying Software and Systems Engineering to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Participants coming soon
17.30 - 18.00
Panel: ICSSP Closing
Ita Richardson,  ICSSP 2024 General Chair, and Paul Clarke, ICSSP Steering Committee Chair
till 19.00
Attendees go by public transport and leave at Gartenstrasse (line 27) or at Scheidplatz (line 12). From there it is 550 m walking through the famous Luitpoltpark.
19.00 - 23.30
19.00 - 19.30 Arrival at the Bamberger House
19.30 - 20.15 Classical Music Event 

Karol Danis and Anton Bashynskyi  are exceptional musicians who play classical music at EuroSPI social events since 2021 and have both won a number of international prizes. See the profile of Karol Danis and of Anton Bashynskyi.

Music Program:
F.M. Bartholdy: Fantasie (Klavier solo)

J.Brahms: Adagio von Violine Sonate dmol

P.I.Tchaikovsky: Souvenir d’un lieu cher, – Mélodie

A.Dvořák: Romantische Stück

J.Massenet: Méditation aus Thais

F.Kreisler: Three Old Viennese Dances

R.Strauss: Morgen

20.30 - 23.30 Gala-Diner at the Bamberger House.


Important Information

Key Underlying Concept

The workshop addresses new software engineering methods, new tools, new concepts and multidisciplinary approaches.

Interactive Workshop Approach

Each presentation will be discussed. A discussion at the end of each paper presentation is planned tow allow key questions from the audience to be answered by the authors.