Workshop: Good Process Improvement Practices (all Branches)



Thomas Wegner
ZF TRW, Germany
Main Moderator

Elli Goergiadou
Middlesex University, UK

Eva Breske
BOSCH Engineering GmbH, Germany

Kerstin Siakas
International Hellenic University, Thessaloniki, Greece, and Vaasa University, Finland

Thomas Schweigert
Expleo Group, Germany

Mirna Munoz
CIMAT, Mexico

PI Manifesto - Good Process Improvment Practices (all Branches)

The studies presented this year are valid for a PI manifesto in general and not only specific to Software. Therefore we expand the manifesto for further branches and content, starting from 2021 onwards.

Eleven years since the inception of the SPI Manifesto and ten years since its publication many socio-technical developments have come about. Cloud, Containers and Microservices, Open Source Software production and mobile devices are now all far more prevalent. The Automotive Industry, and other large and complex systems like e-Government, e-Health, Travel and so on, moved to using Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. In addition to socio-economic challenges, these developments present legal, ethical, political, environmental and demographic challenges. As the late Rory O Connor emphasised: because organisations operate as parts of a larger ecosystem and society all these socio-technical and other factors prompt for analysis with the aim of constantly re-aligning the organisational strategy to shifting business environments to survey, stay competitive, add business value and achieve sustainability! The SPI Manifesto has always supported industry in their effort to understand, adapt and improve their processes. In this workshop, held jointly by academics and practitioners, we will debate and analyse the challenges and opportunities for quality improvements, based on the premise that an improved process results in quality improvement of the resulting products and services. Using a multidimensional approach and the STEEPLED (Sociocultural, Technical, Economic, Environmental, Political, Legal, Ethical and Demographic) analysis tool, we will share ideas and experiences which will be encapsulated the findings in concrete proposals for the adaptation, evolution and extension of the SPI Manifesto.
Please participate in the SPI manifesto survey about how social factors influence the success (values and principles). This will be used as input to the SPI workshop.

Also an initiative has been started to build an SPI case study and knolwedge library for EuroSPI. On the one hand a SPI database of case studies will be set up (shared work of Egypt SPI Consortiu, Japanses SPI consortium and planning to involve Poznan Supercomputing centre). And secondly ISCN is setting up a NID server (Networked Interactive Digital Material) supported by Prof. Hermann Maurer, IICM, TU Graz, to store knowledge and link knowledge from important SPI materials / books. Every EuroSPI conference will deliver y a compendoum of presentations like a book and link all relevent studies and data in the cloud from there, as a starting point.

And we also support the strategy assessment tool based on ISO TR 33014 for improvability analysis of orgaisattions, originally developed by the Danish partner Whitebox.

Go to Paper Submission Page

Call for Papers


Please follow the following steps for submitting a paper:

  • Your thematic topic paper should comprise 10-12 pages.
  • Your paper has to be conform to the Springer CCIS format which is the same as the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) format (please see the author guidelines of Springer)
  • The paper has to be uploaded to the EuroAsiaSPI² conference website (see below).
  • Authors of accepted papers will be asked to write a final paper of 10 to maximum 12 pages and to prepare a 20 minutes PowerPoint presentation.
  • The final paper has to be uploaded to the EuroAsiaSPI² conference website again.
  • Papers shall reference the SPI Manifesto (find relationships to values and principles or propose new values and principles to be added).

Note: To publish the paper in the proceedings the authors have to sign a copyright form and at least one of the authors has to present the paper at the conference. The paper will be published in printed form and electronically and therefore we need all source files.

Please read first the author submission guideMore...

Also see "Thematic Paper Submission for one of the 10 workshop communities" for more information

Thematic Topics

Values and principles of the SPI Manifesto,
organisational best practices, experiences with
bad practices, update of the SPI-Manifesto with
new success stories.

Submission Dates

11.04.2025 First Thematic Paper Submission
09.05.2025 Review by International Programme Committee and Notification of Acceptance
20.06.2025 Camera Ready Version of Paper for Book
09.08.2025 Early Registration Deadline (All presenters must register, otherwise the contribution is deselected)
05.09.2025 Upload of Powerpoint Conference Presentation
15.09.2025 Free Technology Day
17.09.-19.09.2025 Conference

SPRINGER Book Series

EuroAsiaSPI² is publishing an annual SPRINGER book and the EuroSPI books show a total of 1,4 million chapter downloads. The workshop papers will form a chapter for this thematic topic in the SPRINGER book.


Additional Information

Key Contributors

Key contributions to the Workshop will come from European initiatives which developed best practices for SPI. However, the workshop is open to include experts who are willing to share their best practices with the community. We invite experts from knowledge areas like

• Good practices / experiences with the implementation of improvement programs
• Bad practices / experiences (what not to do) with the implementation of improvement programs
• Standards / programs supporting improvement coaching concepts
• Areas where improvement is most difficult to manage and how to solve this
• Key success factors
• Metrics to be used for tracking improvement programs

to share, discuss, and publish their experiences with EuroAsiaSPI.
Still the good/bad practices library needs to grow and we must constantly learn and also update the concept of programs like SPI manager.

Interactive Workshop Approach

From 2018 onwards all submitted papers in the book with reference the SPI manifesto or suggest extensions to the existing SPI manifesto. These new inputs will be considered in this workshop.
An editorial board (Gabriele Sauberer, Paul Clarke, So Norimatsu) will analyse the SPI Manifeso inputs in the papers before the workshop and contribute this an an input to the workshop.
In the interactive workshop then an idea for an extension of the existing SPI Manifesto terminology is elaborated.
The idea is to continuously elaborate further the terminology underlying the SPI term.
See also the SPI Manifesto and SPI terminology strategy of EuroAsiaSPI².